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Optimizing Landing Pages : 7 Ways To Make Google Pick Your Page !

How to optimize landing pages

What is a Landing page? 

A landing page is a standalone page, created for the purpose of marketing and advertising campaigns. In simple terms, the page on which the visitor arrives by clicking an ad is the landing page. The visitors land on this page when they click the link on the email, Google Ads, Instagram, Twitter, or any other web place. The landing page paired with promotional ads has the capability of turning a visitor into a customer. Specific landing pages tailored to different offers are essential for providing a quality experience for visitors and driving conversions with a targeted message that matches each user’s need. 

Optimizing a Landing Page

Generally designed to generate sales or capture leads, the landing pages are key components of the ad campaigns. It is very important to have an LPO- Landing Page Optimization as a lot of money goes into driving traffic to them. It ensures the best possible conversion rate. A highly optimized landing page can lower customer acquisition costs and also maximize the value of the ad. 

A landing page experience does leave an impression on the minds of the visitor crafting an overall impression. The quality of the landing page can also impact the ad rank position, quality score, and bounce rate. For instance, if the landing page has a high bounce rate, or the customers are leaving without making a purchase, then the adverts might appear less frequently.  

What are the best practices to Optimize a Landing Page?

Ways to optimize landing pages

Optimizing the landing page results directly in boosting conversion and sales. Below mentioned are a few of the identified best practices:

  • Call-To-Action: When a visitor reaches the landing page, he/she is half-minded, the CTA acts as the moment of truth. It should stand out and easily be located on the page. Visitors can be influenced by options like- Buy Now, Subscribe Now, Get a free trial, Book A Call, Plan A Visit, etc.
  • Testimonials: Including testimonials can enhance the chance of converting the visitors. People start developing trust after they check what others feel/share and thus testimonials give the visitors a reason to believe what the satisfied customers said. In addition, getting celebrity/ influencer reviews increases the authenticity of the page too. However, anonymous satisfied testimonials don’t persuade visitors anymore. Humanization of the testimonials or even video testimonials adds up to the optimization process. Even though long testimonials are appreciable, something that goes over 2 or 3 lines is the most efficient.
  • Design: Landing page design is also an important part, as an unattractive page would make a visitor leave without exploring. if not well designed, even a well-positioned ad can be a flop. When creating a landing page, one should keep the buying sense of the visitor in mind. Design the page in a way that everything a visitor might look for is displayed right away.
  • Pricing: Displaying a pricing plan on the ad landing page can result in a good number of sales. A visitor might lose the purchasing interest without a pricing plan, which will have a negative impact on the sales conversion. A lucrative pricing plan on the page can let the visitor pick the best suitable plan easily. It is advised to organize the pricing chart and position it elegantly.
  • Content Consistency with the Ad: The content on the landing page should be in line with the context of the ads running. A frictional image that manipulates or confuses the visitor will lead to a higher bounce rate. The content should be clear and concise which should communicate the benefits of the products/services. Directing the visitor to a specific landing page is much better than a general homepage as they don’t have to click around to reach the content they are looking for. Using similar keywords on the landing page and the ad campaign helps to ensure the relevance of the content to the customers.
  • Device Friendly: Nowadays almost the majority of the traffic is generated through mobile devices, which makes it important for the landing page to be mobile friendly too. A slow and unresponsive landing page can lead to a loss of prospect traffic. Thus the landing page optimization also includes ensuring that the page looks great on all devices like desktops, laptops, mobiles, tab, etc.
  • SEO Friendly: Many visitors would read the headline only, and thus a strong headline with relevant keywords is important. Google notices the pages which are more relevant than the others. The longer the visitors stay on the page after the click is likely to aid the ad to gain more traffic and a higher position.

Other key points to keep in mind while optimizing a landing page: 

  • Punchy yet easy to read the copy 
  • Highlight key benefits of the product/services 
  • Use of graphics or photos or videos 


In short, we can say that landing page optimization is the improvement of the elements of the landing page, which is targeted toward increasing the conversion or lead creation. Through the process of optimizing, the redesigning can be based on the data and reliable evidence rather than doing it on a hunch. The landing page optimization begins with the understanding of the kind of traffic which courses the potential customers. It is the first impression that a customer gets of the business and thus it is important to come honest and transparent. Clear information comes as a factor that might potentially bring in more customers. 

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